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Sunday, April 19, 2020

"Microsoft Edge" start up page error problem solved

Yesterday on 18.04.2020, I updated my Windows 10 to latest version  along with  Microsoft top of the line Web Browser "Microsoft Edge"

 Update date Windows 10 to Latest version

Install/Update "Microsoft Edge", to latest version.


Finish installation, restart your computer and open "Microsoft Edge".
 After opening,"Microsoft Edge" you may get following error page.


-Go to your computer desktop; "right click" on, "Microsoft Edge" then "Microsoft Edge Properties" dialogue box will appear.

 -On "Microsoft Edge Properties" dialogue box click on "Compatibility" and then go down to click on"Change settings for all users";  then "msedge" dialogue box will appear.
 -On "msedge" dialogue box, click "check box" for,"Run This Program in compatibility mode for:" and select, "windows8" from drop down menue and then press, "Apply" and then, press, "OK" to close the both  dialogue boxes respectively.


Click on "Microsoft Edge", by default "Microsoft Networks" will appear default.


You may go to "Microsoft Edge"  settings , and change to your desired  homepage.

Good luck